
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Crazy Canadians - Glad This Guy is the EX Defense Minister!

It is no surprise that there are some pretty crazy people in  the world. It should not be any surprise therefore that some of these people are the ones in charge of in many cases, pretty important offices. Scary thing is, these are the people who are making our laws, ruling on our court cases, and essentially running our lives. Here is an example of what I am talking about.

Canada's Ex-Defense Minister Says Aliens Would Give Earth Tech If We Were Less Warlike

Now before you say it, yes the guy is from Canada. I know that down here, in the U.S. the running joke is that Canadians are a bit cooky. But, I think it is safe to say that this guy takes the cake and that at the same time he does not represent Canada as a whole.

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