There have been a variety of job postings that I have seen come across my desk over the last couple of weeks. None of them however have really struck me as interesting however. Then again, is interesting really what is needed to pay the bills? I do not think so. Still, it would be nice to actually enjoy what it is I am doing.
I enjoy writing. For the brief time that I spend researching an article or post topic I am taken away from whatever is on my mind and transported into a world that seems dominated by the stories I am reading. Makes my wish that I could spend more time working on some of my personal writing projects. Unfortunately I have money to try and make because if I do not certain little people will go hungry. Can't have that now can we?
Geez.. over the last month alone I couldn't tell you how many different subject I have written about. Between AMS, whom I work for more than any other company, and a couple other purely freelance jobs it is hard to tell what it is I am even doing. I have spent a little bit of time trying to put the site here together a bit more. Trying to make it a little more of a marketing tool for myself and my talents. However I fear that it will be all for nothing in the end. What will truly get my name "out there" will be my personal work. Yet I simply do not have the time that I need. Pitiful is it not?
I have to work to make money, yet the way to make real money is right in front of me and I do not have any time to do it because of my need to work. Quite the dillema - yet I am sure I am not alone.
Well, should something change, or come up.. you will hear it here first I am positive of that. So stick around my friends.
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