
Friday, December 6, 2013

Prompt 1: There Are Only 7 Minutes Left....

There are only seven minutes left until the train leaves. I have so much to do and I will never make it. That is what is ringing through my head. I have never been a very positive person. I always see things as going wrong. So of course when I noticed there was only a few minutes until departure everything went through my head that could go wrong. Terribly wrong.

My boyfriend trusted me to get this set of blueprints back to him. His boss told him they must not leave the building and he will definitely be paying attention to where they are. Hell, just him trusting me enough to let me have them for the weekend was great. I was able to show my father the plans that his company has for the building on 1435 S. Wabash. Now he can underbid the competition because he knows exactly what will be needed. I owe Marty for this one and I will repay the favor, that's for sure.

The train! The buzzer in the station that notifies passenger that there is only five minutes remaining until departure just went off. It was so loud. There is no doubt that if you are waiting for a train and you fall asleep that you will hear the buzzer. I needed to get all my things together. I still need to make it to the lockers to retrieve the blueprints. If I don't make it there and back in five minutes and I miss the train it will be over. I must hurry!

I ran as fast as I could through the station, that is until one of the security guards spotted me and instructed me to slow down! I quickly slowed to a very brisk walk and as soon as I was out of his sight I ran again. I could see the lockers just ahead. There is a big crowd of people because the lockers are right by one of the ticketing stations. If I can make it through the crowd and to the lockers I might just make it. I reached the crowd and it was thicker than I thought it was.

I weaved my way through the crowd. I don't think that I have ever said "excuse me" so much before. Whatever. It does not matter because I made it through! I reached the lockers and put my hand into my pocket to retrieve the key. "223. Where is 223! Oh my God! Oh.. there it is.." She took the key and put it into the lock and turned it. The door popped open just a crack. She grabbed the handle and swung  the door open the rest of the way. "There they are."

She grabbed the blueprints and closed the locker leaving the key in the slot. She turned around and the first thing she saw was the clock. There was a very large clock hanging from the ceiling right by the ticket station. Looking at the clock she could tell that she only 2 minutes to make her way back to the train departure area. She lept into action running past the few people that were still in front of her by the ticket station.

Running towards the train was not hard at all. Now that she had the blueprints she felt much better. All she had left was to make it to the train and hop on. As she ran she got closer and closer. She could see the conductor waving to the engineer telling him that it was clear. They were making their last calls and the final departure buzzer rang out again. It was so loud and she hated it. That buzzer did nothing but remind her how little time she had and how close all this was to a big failure.

She finally approached the train and immediately let out a huge sigh of relief. "Oh my God, I made it." She said as she stepped onto the first couple steps. She slowly walked up to the second level and found a seat in a section that was almost completely empty. As she sat down and started to relax she started placing her bags and the blueprints on the seats next to her. She figured she would take a quick nap then get a bit to eat. She put the blueprints behind the seat she was sitting on and used her purse for a pillow. All she could think about was how close all of this was and how bad she would have ruined everything had something gone really wrong.

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