
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Golden Spike Aims For Moon

A company called Golden Spike is looking to use crowdfunding to get to the moon. They have posted their dream project to indiegogo in the hopes of getting the $250,000 plus they will need. Sure it is a lofty goal but it appears that there are plenty of people that want to get involved, and why not? Everyone wants their opportunity to get off planet Earth and a trip to the moon is perfect.

So why all the hype? That is simple, because there is more to the whole space exploration idea than the news media or anyone else gives credence to. People have wanted to get off of this rock for a very long time. The last 50 years of sci-fi popularity just goes to show that there is a vast interest in space. Furthermore, if you were to ask people, intelligent people, what their thoughts on sentient life in the cosmos are I would bet that most if not all of them would lean towards the fact that it is out there. Somewhere.

I'm always going to be the first to say that we need to spend more money on furthering our space technology as well as putting more missions together for the exploration of space and our Solar System. However, I am also the first to admit that right now we have more important things going on right here at home. We have a lot of poverty and people in the U.S. who could use the 1 billion dollars plus that a single mission to the moon would cost. As a matter of fact if we even used the money from every other moon mission to fund the homeless and unemployed I would think that we could put a large dent into those problems, if not solve them.

We need to move forward as a species and that cannot be done until we realize that there is more out there for us. Once we do that, fix our issues at home, then maybe we can finally move beyond our initial place of residence.

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